grasscycling! =D

i've always loved the look of dried leaves carpeting the ground. reminds me of the forest, and it comes with that earthy smell, too. wonder why people always insist on sweeping them up (and burning them--grr!) when they can spend their time better tidying up inside the house.

Don’t burn grass, just ‘recycle’ it

The Philippine Star, 24 June 2007

Grass does not have to go up in smoke.

In fact, a broad network of environment organizations is encouraging
garden keepers to forget their usual practice of bagging or burning grass
trimmings after mowing their backyard, urging them to just leave the cut
grass on the lawn and let nature take its course.

The Ecological Waste Coalition has launched an information drive on
“grasscycling,” believing that the simple act of leaving grass trimmings
on the lawn after mowing would contribute to a healthier environment.

Manny Calonzo, secretary of EcoWaste, said grasscycling is an easy
application of nature’s system of recycling, as clippings left on the lawn
decompose naturally, which consequently nourish the soil with nutrients
and add water-saving mulch that keeps moisture from evaporating from the
soil surface.

“This (campaign) is part of the group’s ongoing drive to conserve waste
resources, divert organic discards away from dumps and from open burning,
and prevent toxic pollution in our communities,” Calonzo said.

“The push for grasscycling is directed at lawn and garden keepers at
homes, schools, churches, commercial estates, memorial parks, tourist
spots and public commons,” he said.

“Grasscycling is a trouble-free lawn care that is commonsense but
exceedingly effective in preventing pollution,” he added.

By grasscycling, the use of plastic bags or sacks for collecting yard
waste is minimized while the need for trucks to haul the clippings off to
a dump is reduced, Calonzo said.

He said grasscycling is an ecological alternative to the unnecessary and
noxious dumping or burning of organic discards.

Moreover, Calonzo said grasscycling eliminates the need for commercial
fertilizer to maintain the lawn.

“Studies show that grass clippings contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
and other vital plant nutrients. Leaving trimmings on the yard allow these
nutrients to break down rapidly and be absorbed by the lawn, at no cost
nor effort, with no chemical runoff and no damage to soil organisms,” he

Romy Hidalgo, of EcoWaste’s Task Force Dumps/Landfills, said grasscycling also provides a chance for communities to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions because it keeps organics away from dumpsites and landfills.

Hidalgo said methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is produced when bacteria
decompose organic materials such as kitchen, garden and farm waste in the
absence of oxygen.

Landfills and dumps are major sources of human-made methane emissions that contribute to climate change, he said.

There are four techniques to ensure successful grasscycling, says the
online information bank Wikipedia.

These include cutting no more than one-third the length of the grass;
cutting when the grass is dry to the touch; cutting when the height of the
grass is between three to four inches; and ensuring the mower blade is


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