All Things Bright and Beautiful

Sunsets, in particular, which I can never get enough of. And my usual favorite creatures great and small--kids, pigs, dogs...but no cats or goats or cows this time because I didn't have my camera on hand then =P

More glimpses of the beauty of this country that I had the fortune to see last summer. And glimpses they truly are, because the most beautiful things I could not capture on my cam. I will have to try to use words, so you can better capture the spirit with your imagination.

Locations: Puerto Princesa, Tubbataha Reefs, Cagayancillo Islands, and Balabac Islands, all in Palawan; Verde Island in Batangas


  1. Super nice pics Neen, you're so lucky you get to travel :D

  2. i count my blessings =) but weren't you on a road trip, too? ;-)

  3. i'll take this as a yawn and think it adorable.
    talk about a babe by the sea.
    or do i mean beach babe? =)

    you do realize how blessed you are to being doing your thesis where you are doing your thesis.
    there is no place over here that is as beautiful as what are in these pics.
    absolutely no place like home.


    p.s. i'll see you in september, when summer is gone. =) i hope.

  4. neen, how did you get to tubbataha? and more importantly, how much did u spend? hehehe :-)

  5. awwwwwwww... babe? isdatyu?

    baaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrreeeeemmmmmmmyyyyuu... hekhek :)

  6. yup! see you over here, where summer is eternal =)

  7. hi janus! uh...didn't spend anything because was there for a funded research ;-) we rented a boat for P6 or 8k a day, i think, excluding fuel. and this is one that doesn't have any beds ha. i don't believe i can ever afford to go there by myself =P (marine biology isn't exactly known to be a field you can get rich in hehe). weren't you there, too, a couple of years back? that was with the navfor, right?

  8. yup, those boat-making villages in the remote parts of palawan are amazing =) thanks, cleo! long time! musta na?

  9. oh that mommy-and-baby piggy tandem was really something. my "colleagues" were making chika with the mayor, you know, for courtesy's sake, and i was getting impatient because i was afraid the sun would set before we could go up the fort in cagayancillo. somebody pointed out the pig with legs on top of the fence like that and staring into the distance, as if she were waiting for a lover. and instead of oinking or grunting, they actually produced a sound closer to a bark! so i entertained myself with them (and the kids) so the mayor wouldn't see how restless i was =P i hope they're still alive now....

    (oh i WAS able to take a picture of one goat, at the tubbataha ranger station, in the middle of the sea! but it was kaldereta the next day for a birthday celebration =P will be posting the "storytelling" pix next time)

  10. BARKING?!!! now i really think that was BABE!


  11. thanks, frances =) wonder how much of YOUR character would show through in a candid shot like this ;-)

    (and this is one of those shots that made me go ARGGH I MISS MY MANUAL SLR! but now, i go ARGGH I WISH SOMEONE WOULD GIVE ME A DIGITAL SLR WITH AN UNDERWATER CASING! hehe. positive thinking helps, i've been told)

  12. care for a trade Jeen, my Nikon SLR with whatever you have? and then, again, Im courting the slightly-used Sony digital of another "anak ng dagat" girl. Canon pa rin daw siya!
    so, is August during the Kadayawan be time for us to shoot in Davao? somewhere in between now and then, I believe our paths will cross again.
    Once again, these, your photos have calmed a rebellion somewhere... :-)

  13. ah but i still love my battery-independent pentax k1000 ;-) it's just that bringing it to the states and then not using it for about 8 months (because of my canon digital cam, which i'm now getting frustrated with because of the quality of the lens) has caused some problems with my lenses, for the first time after four years of trouble-free use in rain and sea =( might have to send everything to bobby in iligan for a general check-up.

    dunno about august. might have to stay put for awhile. in any case, see you wherever =)

  14. did you try the scuba diving package at tubattaha, it's roughly about 50k that's living in a yacht includes everythin already..that's a 1 week full of diving.:)

  15. These are the kinds of shot my husband goes for......just gorgeous!

  16. oh, i thought it would be more expensive than that :) maybe because that's one of the smaller boats. unfortunately, i can't afford to blow that much money on diving :P that's why i have to rely on free trips like this research expedition. really wish i could go back, though, and this time be less preoccupied with work....

  17. thanks, jean :D only in the most remote areas of the philippines, where smoke and buildings haven't crowded out the sky...


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