Teacher Earth’s 3R’s: REDUCE

the greenie patch

by Jeneen R. Garcia

published July 2006


Last month we started talking about the 3R’s we need to learn by heart. Nope, not Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic, as your grandparents might tell you. For Earth-lovers like us, the Big 3 are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.


Today, let’s see what the first R, Reduce, is really about.


To “reduce” means to lessen or cut down on something. In Earth-friendly terms, this means using less of the Earth’s natural resources (anything we get from nature--metals, paper, fish, gasoline, etc.). Second, it means cutting down on the garbage we produce.


Why do we need to reduce? Because if we don’t, our seas might run out of fish, the earth might run out of gasoline, and our mountains might run out of trees! If we produce more and more garbage, soon we’ll run out of space to put our trash in! So it’s VERY important that we reduce.


Here are some ideas to get you started:


1)      Use less gasoline by taking a walk or riding your bike instead of taking the car.

2)      Don’t leave the water running while you brush your teeth or soap your hands.

3)      Keep your plastic pens and pencils safe, and you won’t have to keep buying new ones (You know that pencils are made from trees, but did you know that plastic is made from fossil fuels?).

4)      Use your computer properly, so fewer metals need to be mined from the earth to make another computer.


When we use less of the Earth’s resources, we automatically cut down on the garbage we produce! Did you notice?


Using less water in the bathroom will mean less sewage that goes into the sea. Buying fewer pencils and plastic pens cuts down on the trash in the landfill. Keeping your computer in good shape means fewer toxic metals going to the landfill, too.


Using less gasoline will cut down on air pollution, which is also a kind of garbage, except that we inhale it. Now THAT’s worse.


You can also reduce garbage another way: by buying fewer things wrapped in plastic or styro. The sad thing about these two is that they end up clogging our rivers, or poisoning our fish in the sea.


What things use plastic or styro? Cookies, toys, clothes, fast food...you name it. It’s better to buy things that come wrapped in paper or not wrapped in anything at all. OR don’t ask mom to buy it if you don’t really need it! That’s the best way to reduce garbage (and save money).


Next time, let’s talk about the second Big R: Reuse. See you then!


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