Happy B(Earth)Day!

the greenie patch

by Jeneen R. Garcia

published April 23, 2006


Hello, kids! Do you know that yesterday was Earth Day? No, Earth wasn’t born on April 22 (only God knows when Earth’s real birthday is), but people around the world have agreed to do something extra special for the Earth every year on this day.


Even though Earth Day is over, here are some fun ways you can help the Earth this summer.


  1. Go to the beach and pick up all the garbage you can see, especially plastics, cans, and styro. These kinds of garbage are bad, because fish and turtles accidentally eat them and die. Besides, it’s yucky to swim with all that trash! Just make sure to use gloves or sticks to pick up the garbage so you don’t hurt your hands.

  2. Go biking to save energy. Not only is biking a fun way of reducing air pollution from fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel, it also cuts down on the electricity you would use if you stayed indoors. Instead of playing video games all day long, why not fly a kite, or play piko? Then you’ll also help reduce the pollution from power plants that burn fossil fuels to give us electricity. Mmm...smell that fresh air!

  3. Earn extra money by collecting empty bottles and old newspapers around the neighborhood. Ask your parents or barangay captain where you can sell these. Or watch out for those people with carts who visit your home to buy newspapers and other used stuff. You won’t just have extra money, you’ll help keep your neighborhood clean, too.

  4. Go birdwatching in Olango Island or snorkeling in Gilutongan Island, both across Mactan. You’ll see thousands of birds from China, Russia and Australia stopping to eat at Olango. In Gilutongan, you’ll find fish of all colors--red, yellow, blue...even purple! Go out and see how amazing nature is. The money you spend in these places will be used by the government to protect the birds and fish in the two islands.


If you have more fun summer ideas for saving the Earth, send them to the greenie patch ASAP. Let’s make every day Earth Day!


  1. Hi Jeneen! I read your contributions in the Sacred Heart Parish newsletter. :) Ms. Monina from the office gives me my weekly copy.

    I will learn to ride the bike one of these days. Or I'll just go on walking around Cebu and get darker and darker, and darker!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. thanks, deanna! hope to bump into you in one of your walks =)


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