Nudibranchs, Holuthurians, and Other Inverts

ok, so by now you're probably saying, "what the..?". in english, it just means sea slugs, sea cucumbers, and other invertebrates (uh...animals without backbones). that's seastars mostly, a giant clam, and two slipper lobsters.

so i've always had a problem shooting nudis because they're so small, and my camera has a problem focusing on tiny things, and i get swept by the current so my shots come out blurred, yada yada yada. but since i was diving every day for 20 days in palawan and 3 days in batangas (with EXTREMELY strong currents), pretty soon i learned how to do it properly, i.e. getting them sharp AND with the right colors.

what makes nudis so fascinating is, again, their incredible variety in color and pattern--the more flamboyant, the more poisonous. don't say they didn't warn you.


  1. twinkle, twinkle, little star!
    the sheer cuteness of being all pink and purple.

    thanks for sharing this, ehem, whole new world.


  2. OK lang yan, i used to refer to my mayflies, caddisflies, and leeches as Ephemerotera, Trichoptera, and Hirudinea back in college (or the specific families and genera if I feel like being a smart ass). Hahaha. ES Majors...

  3. Shining!
    Man, I miss Bio already. It's been 8 years (I think) since I last dived.
    Ah, the good old days...

  4. hey you never told me you dived! next time i'm home we can go with vannie =)

    and i'm sure you encounter many shining, shimmering things in your profession, too. um...real beating hearts and such? =)

  5. a different kind of name-dropping by a different group of snobs hehehe

  6. yes, some creatures have all the luck ;-)

  7. thkans, lemz..ikaw, kanus-a man ka? =) (dapat next time mo-uli ka)

  8. Wow great photos. I've only seen nudis in aquariums, how wonderful to be able to see them in the wild.

  9. except that it's much bigger than a mantis shrimp :) and more colorful. and yummier, i suppose :)


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