Colorful Coral Gardens

looking for a unique wedding motif? why not try a coral reef? (hey, that rhymes!)

if you've ever wondered why divers make so much fuss over coral reefs, well, here's my answer to it. come to think of it, i never really appreciated them as i did this summer--all the gorgeous colors and shapes made up of corals, algae, sponges, ascidians, and bryozoans that collectively we call the reef community. and i still find it amazing that we have a God who creates pink corals =D (when he could've just fashioned some boring stones for fish to live in)

pictures from my palawan and batangas research expeditions (22 April to 9 May and 19 to 23 May, 2007, respectively). one of the most important things i learned during the trip was the value of custom white balance underwater. yes folks, no more messing with flash and strobes for me (at least while i still can't afford therm =P). and the rest, as they say, is history....


  1. absolutely pretty!
    this one in particular looks like the amoeba boys. =)



  2. by the way, Jeneen, I won the workshop proceedings, gi premyo sa closing program, kadtung gi tambungan ninyo ni Orly. Nice, IDOL~

  3. thanks! thanks! =D still, my camera is flawed and you only get to see the parts i've shown. imagine just how they beautiful they actually are when seen with your own eyes.

  4. can you imagine those algae-looking things are actually ascidians, which are the only invertebrates in phylum chordata (because they have a vertebra during their larval stage i think). which makes them more closely related to us than corals or jellyfish or crabs!

  5. hey hey! i never knew you went to the workshop! (somehow orly didn't get to mention it). wow, how was it? it was life-changing for me ;-) and how are the people there, the "institutions"? (and you mean they still have copies of THAT lying around? =P)

  6. totally life changing. blows off the top of my head. learned so much. morag a year's worth of graduate studies in MFA

    yup, they never failed to let us tilt at windmills or something to that effect. hehe =)

  7. amazing no? although some of my friends they look like scary chicken feet =P

  8. Those are sea squirts? I've never seen a sea squirt that looked like that. Its so flat looking.

  9. yep, that's what the reference books says :) really thought it was algae. although it's probably not officially a sea squirt, but it's in the same subphylum of hemichordata. i think you'd call it a tunicate, but not an ascidian (or is it the other way around?).

    it was my first time to see that kind of sponge, too :) and only see it in one site, out of all the place we went colors range from brown to yellow to green to blue to purple. truly amazing.


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