Schooling Jackfish at Masaplod Norte

September 12, 2006. Was supposed to dive at Apo, but it was too late to make arrangements, so we decided to go Dauin instead. First time to dive in a black/gray sand setting, and what a great experience it was! We went down maximum 15 feet because the currents were really, really strong, but in exchange, we saw these jacks schooling at that depth (usually they're found in open sea).

You'll notice that my shot is pretty unsteady--that's the current dragging me along, and you'll see in the video how fast it is.


  1. lovely!
    and sometimes, i swear i coulld hear YOU breathing. =) wicked!
    please do take more videos like these.
    it is, after all, what digital underwater cameras are for.
    thanks for letting us live vicariously through you.


  2. yep, that's me breathing =) the sound of water is me exhaling.

    for you, i will =)


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