Mother Nature’s Magic Soil

the greenie patch

by Jeneen R. Garcia

to be published September 2006



Last time we talked about how RECYCLING can help prevent garbage from piling up in landfills. With chemicals and machines, recycling turns old stuff into something brand new.


Today, let’s find out Mother Nature’s own recipe for recycling organic wastes into fertilizer. You’ll discover it’s something each of us can do. Are you ready?



Brown Stuff (dry waste-- twigs, dead leaves, paper, sawdust, eggshells)

Green Stuff (wet, fresh waste-- grass clippings, tea bags, fruit and vegetable scraps)






1) Dig a hole in the ground or get a large container. This will be your compost bin.

2) Put a layer of brown stuff (about six inches). Brown stuff are rich in carbon.

3) Put a layer of green stuff (a little less than the brown stuff). Green stuff are rich in nitrogen.

4) Sprinkle each layer with water. Put a thin layer of soil. Mix everything together to let in air.

5) Repeat Steps 2 to 4 until your bin is full or you run out of stuff to put in. Cover to prevent animals from messing up the contents.


Just add more layers every time you get more wastes. BUT make sure you don’t include meat or dairy products to keep pests like rats and flies from going into your bin. If you see earthworms inside, don’t worry! They help turn your garbage into fertilizer. Mix everything every few weeks to speed up the process.


After a few weeks, the garbage will become a dark, crumbly soil. This is Mother Nature’s magic soil! Just like your vitamins that make you stronger, you can put this around growing plants to make them healthier. When you dig a hole for planting, put some in before dropping the seeds. You can also mix it with sand to use in pots.


Isn’t composting easy? Happy recycling!


(Visit for more details and pictures of how to compost)


  1. Hey, thanks, Jeneen! My sister in Cebu makes compost, too, using her own "recipe." I think your post will help her. :)


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