The Greenhouse Gas Gang

the greenie patch

by Jeneen R. Garcia

published March 11, 2006


Last month here at the greenie patch, we talked about how crazy climate changes due to the build-up of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere can cause unusually strong rains like that in Southern Leyte. Climate change can also do the opposite and bring on hotter and longer summers that kill crops and make people sick.


As kids, what can we do to stop these things from happening? Well, let’s look at two greenhouse gases (GGs) now to see where they come from and find out how we can help NOT spread more of them into the atmosphere.


Methane (CH4) comes from waste dumps, coal beds, and gas leaks. We contribute to this the most when we let our garbage rot in the dump. So what do we do?


First, we can cut down on biodegradable waste (garbage that rots) by cutting down on leftovers that end up in the trash. If we have extra food, we can give this to the hungry people on the streets instead of letting it spoil in the fridge. Bones and other scraps we can feed to our pets.


Second, if there is still biodegradable waste left (like eggshells, fruit peelings, dried leaves and paper), we can dig a pit in our backyard and bury the waste there. This is called composting. The earthworms will turn the waste into crumbly, dry soil. After a few weeks, we’ll have organic fertilizer! This is the best kind of fertilizer for plants because it is all-natural.


By using organic fertilizers, we reduce another GG, Nitrous Oxide (N2O). Oh, and do you know, burning our trash also produces nitrous oxide! That’s one more good reason for us to compost our garbage.


So kids, did you learn a lot today? Visit the greenie patch again in two weeks to meet the other members of the Greenhouse Gas Gang!


  1. Very informative! I learned about composting in HowStuffWorks.

    I'm going to try this since Angel and I will be planting our first flower garden.

  2. great! congrats on your wedding =) may composting be passed on for generations in your family

  3. Thank you Jeneen. Angel is beside me right now. She says thank you too.


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