a traveling week: a tale in three cities

this is just the journal entry to complement the photo album of what i did last week, which isn't done yet. have to post photos of pamilacan, which are still in my cam =) and yes, these are the perks of my work. almost makes me not want to leave....




FEB 20

8pm: FORD annual report finally finished and emailed

1130pm: finish mexican dinner; VST & Co and Jose Mari Chan songs playing alternately in the background


FEB 21

530am: wake up to pack for trip; contemplate bringing mask & snorkel, tripod for bohol; dress rehearsal and borrow heels for Supreme Court hearing

9am: wake up for 11am flight

1015am: arrive at airport, check in, change MLA-CBU ticket to MLA-TAG

1215pm: arrive at Manila Domestic, walk to road to get taxi because of long queue

1pm: arrive at Supreme Court for the hearing on EO 464 (where GMA prohibits anyone in the Executive branch to testify in Congress for whatever reason--including budget hearings--unless she gives her consent), change into “court wear”, watch as SC employees get starstruck with all the showbiz senators

5pm: finish listening to Joker Arroyo being questioned by SC justices for 4hours straight, go out for food, work on MacArthur Annual Report

730pm: leave for QC (hearing actually finished at 1130pm)

930pm: real meal at last at Grill Queen

1030pm: wait for Chinqui at Greenbelt with Kikoy


FEB 22

130am: walk barefoot to Greenbelt parking lot (skin raw from heels), drop off Chinqui, drive back to QC with Kikoy while watching moonrise

230am: ready to sleep

930am: meeting with media pool

12pm: sneak out over lunch to meet with Dumaguete co-fellows

145pm: back at the planning meeting

3pm: sneak in email while having merienda

5pm: spacing out from meeting, coloring puppets for Sunday School

6pm: end of meeting, time for nap

8pm: walk to Gate 2 to meet Bacolod co-fellows (after one year)

930pm: move to cafe ysabel for drinks


FEB 23

1230am: home to ateneo

130am: ready to sleep

5am: wake up for 7am flight

540am: read Proverbs 23, pray that taxi arrives

550am: taxi arrives

640am: eat second ensaymada at pre-departure

8am: tricycle to Bohol office

9am: work on MacArthur Annual Report

1230pm: arrive at Bohol Bee Farm, lunch

4pm: merienda of herbal tea, kape made of corn, sour mango, camote pie

6pm: leave for Bohol Divers after succumbing to buying cute bag

7pm: dinner of chicken curry and bee farm leftovers

1030pm: MacArthur Annual Report finally finished


FEB 24

530am: wake up for dolphin-watching

730am: spot a pod of pilot whales; whales dive deep because too many pumpboats crowd them in, surface only after every 20-30 minutes

930am: make friends with cute orange cat and white goats at Pamilacan Island; breakfast of egg, native chicken, and fresh kinilaw; swim, lose anklet

11am: sail for Baclayon, change on pumpboat; fine salt crystals appearing on arms and face

1230: buy fastcraft ticket for Cebu, board fastcraft

245pm: arrive in Cebu, email MacArthur Report

3pm: meeting on Sun.Star Yearbook

5pm: home to shower and rinse swimming things

6pm: meeting on WILA journal

7pm: meeting on Olango Medical Mission

830pm: Bible Study

1030pm: home, read Yearbook, set alarm for 8am Sunday School Teachers’ Training


  1. It's incredible how you juggle and keep up with your schedule! May internal and integrated Palm Pilot ka ba? Hahaa!

  2. i think i'm only able to do it because i believe i can ("i think i can, i think i can"). if in the middle of all my rushing from one place to the next i'd suddenly realize i was pushing the limits of human teleportation, i'd probably fall down and crash. so just let me think i can for now, while my body can still handle it =) (oh, and 30-minute to 1-hour naps help a lot)

  3. Good point. Do it now. You won't be scooting around that comfortably at 60.

  4. and i hope at 60, i won't feel the need to =)


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