Speak out for your freedom! - Forum on Proc 1017
Start: Mar 1, '06 2:00p End: Mar 1, '06 4:00p Location: IBP Social Hall, Cebu Provincial Capitol Complex “Proclamation No. 1017: Its Constitutionality and Implications” February 27, 2006 Greetings! “Presidential Proclamation No. 1017:Its Constitutionality and Implications” is the theme of the forum facilitated by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), Movement of Concerned Citizens for Civil Liberties (MCCCL) – Cebu Chapter, Cebu Lady Lawyers Association, Inc. (CELLA) and Laban ng Masa and other organizations. This will be held at the IBP Social Hall, Capitol Complex, Cebu City on March 1, 2006 from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. The Legal and Political Implications of Proclamation No. 1017 will be discussed by IBP NEAT Deputy chair for the Visayas Gloria Estenzo Ramos and IBP Cebu City Chapter Past President Democrito Barcenas. There will be reactors from the police, military, media, local government units, church...