Start:     Feb 2, '05
End:     Feb 4, '05
Location:     New World Renaissance Hotel, Makati
The GMA Administration is officially selling the country starting today to mining investors from all over the world, many of whom have very questionable track records in other countries in terms of respect for human rights and environmental rehabilitation. On the same day that Typhoon Winnie hit Quezon and the other provinces in Luzon, the Supreme Court somehow reversed their decision on a landmark mining case in Mindanao and declared that 100% foreign-owned companies can now mine our country.

GMA and her pet Michael Defensor (DENR Secretary--the irony!) are saying the minerals industry is the key to poverty alleviation in our country. They just conveniently ignored the numbers: from 1990 to 2000, the contribution of mining to the GDP has been no higher than 1% and has been steadily declining. This is because the price of minerals has also been going down. Agriculture and fisheries have a much higher contribution. Also, studies around the world have revealed the paradox of a natural resource curse: countries that have high mineral exports are also the poorest in the world.

Forests and seas are so much more valuable alive than dead because they are our renewable sources of food and protection from droughts, floods, etc. Minerals are a non-renewable resource--once they’re gone, they’re gone, along with the mountains that can’t be reconstructed. What we in the NGO/ Indigenous Peoples/ Church sector are saying is that if we DO need to mine our forests and mountains, at least give the benefits to Filipinos, instead of allowing all the money to leave the country. These mining companies will be given tax breaks and proprietary rights to the land they will be mining. It practically gives ownership to them! Also, Filipino communities, especially indigenous tribes, should have the right to decide if they want their land mined or not, with them receiving the bulk of the benefits instead of the multinational companies.

If you care about the future of this country’s people at all, please tell your friends about what’s happening (you can forward this link to them) and join the march tomorrow. Next thing you know, they might be mining in your own backyard.

Check out Philipines Mining 2005 website to know what they're planning. As you'll see, it's all about benefits FOR international companies and no mention about how our country's interests will be protected.


  1. im just wondring how much money they got out from this scheme...grrrrrrrr

  2. exactly. and here's the thing--GMA was actually the author of the Philippine Mining Act of 1995, the same law that says 100% foreign-owned corporations can mine in the country! this, despite the Constitution itself saying any corporation doing business in the Philippines must be at least 60% owned by Filipinos. that was way back when she was senator. and now she's president. problem is, so many Filipinos don't know about this.


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