Combating Corruption in the Philippines: Are we Plundering Away our Chances, or Doing it Better?

Start:     Mar 16, '05 2:00p
End:     Mar 16, '05 5:00p
Location:     NCPAG Assembly Hall
This is to invite everyone to the 6th Diliman Governance Forum with the theme: "Combating Corruption in the Philippines: Are we Plundering Away our Chances, or Doing it Better?" Initially conceived to focus on political corruption and the plunder case, it was "neutralized" to cover all forms of corruption that we as a nation must address or help minimize.

Invited speakers are Senator Jovito Salonga, Ombudsman Simeon Marcelo and Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales. Invited reactors from the academe, media, business and youth sectors are former UP President Jose Abueva, Anti-corruption Czar Merceditas Gutierrez, Mr. Guillermo Luz, Ms. Sheila Coronel and Mr. Dino Badilla.

This DGF is organized by the Philippine Society of Public
Administration (PSPA), the College, and PA 241(public Policy and Program Administration)and 244 (Policy process) classes of NCPAG. It has funding support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the British Council Higher Education Link (HEL) with the University of Manchester.

We count on your help and support- in promoting and inviting your students and friends, in the production of needed materials, in attending the DGF, others. The 'hub' is with the Dean's Office.


  1. YES, I WILL HELP SPREAD THE NEWS! (hahaay, travel outside Manila na naman po ako sa araw na 'yan, SAYANG). That's a cool bunch of speakers and reactors you have there!


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