black shoulder bag

Status:   CLOSED
Category:   Clothes & Accessories

i've lost a lot of money from my current black bag, not because my things keep falling out of it but because it seems attractive to that thief at our boarding house. this is also the same bag that almost got stolen from me at knifepoint last year. so it's very historical, but it's cracking all over from stress, so i'm donating it to the BAzaar for the Poor at SAcred Heart PArish (along with all the boxes of recyclable mineral water bottles). which means i desperately need a new one to match all my black blouses =P


  1. its very admirable that some people can find a noble way to get over a very unpleasant experience = )

  2. awww im sorry to hear that. but that's okay, another excuse to go shopping!:D

  3. naa kay picture sa bag? basin naay kaluha ana diri.


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