Agutaya Island, Cauayan, Negros Occidental

16-18 February 2007. It was supposed to be a field trip for a physical oceanography class I wasn't even enrolled in. So yes, I got on the boat and made the motions with the drogue and the GPS to map the currents. I had wanted to go to Danjugan Island ever since I read about it in a coffee table book in 2001. But instead of Danjugan, I got to stay in the precious little island across it, owned by the tito of one of my classmates. Imagine an island all to yourself--with its own kayak, great food, three adorable dachshunds, and sunrises and sunsets all throughout the year. The pictures, I think, speak better than I can.


  1. this is lovely.
    i look at your pics and i can already smell the sea.
    trust you to barge in on other people's field trips. and why not, eh? =)


  2. believe it or not, four out of the ten students who were there (including me) didnt have a class with that teacher ;-) fortunately, nobody here's selfish when it comes to the sea.

  3. o, uwi na! ;-) pano, di lang man kasi tayo naka field trip no? =P

  4. yes, everything's lovely there, even the dogs =)

    (oh love your headshot!)

  5. gyud! it was a real blessing being able to go there. i really think i was meant enroll in silliman last november hehe.

  6. agutaya! i know some of the people in your photos, including the host. haha. so you didn't get to go to danjugan?

  7. no =( at least i'm nearer now, less than six degrees of separation hehe. for next time... and it really was serendipitous and totally unexpected how i got to go on that trip. helps if u chat people up and ask a lot of questions. are u related to them? =D

  8. maka suya jud... i guess it was!

  9. when you live in bacolod, you're related to everyone. hahaha.

  10. oh! this is cauayan. thanks for sharing... i hope ill have a chance for a photo op on this lovely place.

  11. small world. hahaha! nikki WAS related to me. hahahahaha! and chico is my cousin's brother in law. haha! pa grab ng pics!

  12. thanks, dadsie :) anytime. i'm glad to be adding to the agutaya photo archive. my condolences to your tito on wetzl's passing.


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