my new sanctuary


  1. nice room (for dgte/silliman grad stude standards)!

  2. a blessing, truly =) not acquired through normal means. didn;t even have to sweat for it ;-)

  3. not acquired through normal means?!?
    curious...just curious!
    is this somewhere near amigo or inside one of the many accomodations in the campus?

  4. nope, it's a house in a compound in tubod. let's just say i had to haggle for it in new york ;-)

  5. nope, it's a house in a compound in tubod. let's just say i had to haggle for it in new york ;-)

  6. thank you, thank you =) it's perfect for my stuff, and i didn't even see the inside of it until i moved in. i'll take a picture of it again in a few months hehehehe

  7. thank you, thank you =) it's perfect for my stuff, and i didn't even see the inside of it until i moved in. i'll take a picture of it again in a few months hehehehe

  8. hey! your place is better that any of the places i've lived in.
    probably because it's neater. =X
    prominent position of divesuit noted. =D


  9. actually it's because it needs to be hung, not folded =P

    tried to reduce the stuff i brought to dumaguete para less clutter. but will take pictures again after a few months and we'll see how it looks hehe.

  10. a house is not a home when there is no one there. thanks God you got a room. Merry Christmas!

  11. Hi Jeneen. Have fun in Dumaguete! :)


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