Salmon Run on Salmon River (Part 2)

And this is where the salmon are forced to go because they can't go further upriver-- into crowded holding ponds where they're caught, killed, and milked for their eggs and sperm, which will then be put in basins for fertilization.

I mean, sure they're going to die, anyway, right after they spawn. But in the river, they die on their own terms, among the stones. And not until the males have fought valiantly for their mates, and the females have laid their eggs and made sure they've hatched. Not in the hands of a knife-wielding salmon hatchery worker.


  1. neen, this is so depressing. need i say more?


  2. yep, same old story. american indians used to fish sustainably, then all these other people came in and made it into a big commercial enterprise. that's why the salmon started to run out, and that's why they now need the hatcheries. the Atlantic salmon, which is the native in these parts, have actually been driven to near extinctiion. it's the Pacific salmon they're "breeding" now.


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