The Making of i-Witness 062606

June 13, 2006. One of the things I've always wanted to do (and still hope to do) is make environmental documentaries . So when someone told me that multi-awarded environmental journalist Howie Severino was looking for a researcher on his I-Witness team, I emailed him asking if it was true. He said no, they weren't, but advised me to go to Manila and take the GMA exam, saying the Public Affairs department always needs people.

That was in March. In the meantime, lots of things have happened, my plans in life have evolved and become more definite (to be explained in a journal entry...soon, i hope), and eventually I decided that I don't want to start a career in media just yet. Still, being the mentor that I believe Howie is at heart (who's always on the lookout for people to encourage to go into communication that matters), he asked if I wanted to come along on their shoot in Davao.

Before 2pm, I was at a fruit stand at Magsaysay Park waiting for the van with the i-Witness team (Howie, cameraman Egay Navarro, substitute producer Angie, and assistant cameraman Jessie) that would take us to the Dayot Farm in Tugbok to witness a durian harvest.

After watching the harvesters play pass-the-durian like it was a basketball, and getting my hand slobbered over by a calf who was raving for milk, we went to MTS to catch the Madayaw Dance Troupe.

I wasn't part of producing the documentary, so I decided to make my own (photo) documentary of how the documentary was done. Watch the final product on June 26, 2006, Monday, after midnight on GMA-7.


  1. Hey Jeneen, Very nice pics! You really captured us at work. Hope you can join us on our next Davao visit.
    Thanks for the company, the kind words, and the coverage. ; >

  2. dear neen,

    neat! =) you were born for this stuff anyway.
    but i think it's the MEDIA that's not ready for YOU. =) hahaha!
    so when the time is right, i know you'll be making documentaries like a cat makes kittens. =) hehe.


  3. neen,

    are you contemplating a jump from print to broadcast?
    our loss, their gain.
    please remember me when you are way up there with howie s., and mike e.
    bitaw, miss your posts.

  4. thanks you all hehehehe. will take awhile to get into broadcast (if ever). want to go into film first. and i still have a lot of studying to do in school, for what i really want to do (which, right now, isn't related to media =P).

    karlon, not posting is the effect of using dial-up most of the time =P


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