Watch Out for the GG Gang!

the greenie patch

by Jeneen R. Garcia

published April 30, 2006



The past month, the greenie patch was abuzz with the Greenhouse Gas (GG) Gang, and how its members, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, CFCs, and Carbon Dioxide, have been messing up our climate. When there are too many of these gases in our air, they cause terrible typhoons and hurricanes when the sun should be shining, and make the sun dry up our water wells when it should be raining.


Let’s get to know the GG Gang better so we can stop them from doing more damage to our Earth!


Last time, we learned that carbon dioxide (CO2) comes from machines that use fossil fuels like coal, gasoline and diesel. So when we walk or bike instead of use our cars, we release less CO2 in the air. Plus, when we DON’T use fossil fuels, we don’t let loose two other GGs: Ozone (O3), and Nitrous Oxide. Isn’t that great?


But what about those big power plants that use coal to produce electricity? They make lots of CO2! Kids, we can help a lot by saving energy. This means turning off the lights and appliances when nobody is in the room. During the day, open the windows to let the sunlight and fresh air in, instead of using light bulbs or air-conditioning.


Hey, we can also write our mayors, congressmen and president. Ask them to build power plants that use renewable energy (like the sun, wind, or water) instead of power plants that burn coal and other fossil fuels. That way, using electricity won’t increase the CO2 in our atmosphere.


But CO2 also escapes when forests are cut down, or when coral reefs are destroyed. These natural habitats capture CO2 from the air. So if they are destroyed, millions of tons of CO2 are set free. When we plant trees, some of this CO2 will be captured again. The more trees we plant, the more CO2 gets captured!


Now that we’ve met the GG Gang, kids, let’s make sure they don’t take over our planet!


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