better late than later cris said. so here are the post-birthday presents that still made it in november, in order of arrival: 1) from jemi - a Jude Deveraux book (about three women who have the same birthday and travel back in time to change their lives =), reminiscent of high school and the classic A Knight in Shining Armor) and a Maya Angelou card 2) from mama (who likes to give in excess) - aside from a balikbayan box of clothes that actually fit me, gummy candy, the november angel , and some other stuff that came in september, plus the bill for my birthday dinner , this package arrived last sunday: a denim jacket, a black purse, clinique lip gloss, birthday candles, other little things, and food (which you can no longer see in the picture) 3) from cris - flowers (with silver dust and beads of water to boot!) that arrived yesterday. the delivery guy even got lost because of a wrong address and started calling all the houses in our compound looking for me. sent from a cebu flower shop, t...