September 9-10, 2005. Was feeling claustrophobic in the city, so decided to go off on the long weekend by myself to Boljoon, which I've been wanting to visit for the last 5 years (imagine, 5 years worth of frustration =P). Left the house at 5am Friday morning, got on a bus, and took a 2 1/2-hour trip to southeast Cebu. And i'm so glad i went even though i wasn't sure what i'd find. Rented my own cottage by the beach, took as much time as i wanted to write, snorkel (it was beside a marine sanctuary), read poetry by the rocks in the rain (o ha!), wait for the sunrise, sketch, take walks in town, make friends with kids and old-timers, and short, everything i want to do but hardly have time and SPACE to. it was wonderful! God is great =) more stories coming in my journal. PS forgive the (fat) pictures of me mixed up with everything else. when you automate things, it's easiest to just lump everything together. i discovered it's not so bad, after all, to a...