Haven't made any (edited) videos in awhile, so suddenly decided to make one out of some videos I took of Sahara that I thought were hilarious. Here's my YouTube description: The pigeons trying to nest outside my bedroom window drives Sahara so crazy, he often forgets his good sense. What drives ME crazy is that he often does this at 3 am, in the process destroying my window blinds and screen (before I learned my lesson) and waking me up several times in the night. Finally caught him on camera last week! My sweet revenge. This time it was a pigeon and her two babies. While before, the pigeons would fly away just seeing Sahara looking at them from the bed, now they don't even blink when he's clawing at them from behind the glass! This is the first time ever I've used my phone to edit a video, because I got rid of my Mac, and Windows 10 doesn't seem to come with a native video editor :P