Six years of being Lost and Found
The header of my Multiply site -- . I started my Multiply site in 2004 out of a fascination for the concept of having a social networking site where I could actually have my own website--posting my own content for the entire world to read, and at the same time keeping family and friends updated without having to email all those bulky pictures and articles every time I had something new to share. At that time, only Friendster was big, I was writing freelance for a couple of publications, and the thought of having an online audience where I could write about the work I did both for travel writing and a community-based environmental NGO was like a whole new world of possibilities. Eventually, I decided to name my site after one of three columns that I had in Sun.Star Cebu, Lost and Found, which I started later that same year as a way to share my discoveries and rediscoveries on the endless journey of gathering fragments of my soul that I had forgotten i...