
Showing posts from June, 2008

because we have the audacity to believe

13 June 2008 Friday   Ask and ye shall receive.   Right after I realized that in the past two years since i quit my job I’ve been moving to a different city every five months or less, and just when I’d already told everyone in Dumaguete that finally, I would be staying put for at least a year, I got an email saying I would be going to Europe and moving to a different country every five months (or less) for 18 months starting in September.   Right now I am on the topmost deck of a ship on a 7-hour trip bound for Cagayan de Oro, where I will take a 7-hour bus ride with all my belongings from Dumaguete to Davao via Bukidnon. I promised myself that I would use this time exclusively for writing updates (for my own journals and for this one), because once I step on land, it’s back to being constantly on my toes. How is it even possible to be a bum for two years now and be constantly, impossibly busy?? You tell me what’s wrong with me after reading this.   It’...

The Rules

Rating: ★★★★★ Category: Other This was published in September 2003 in Sun.Star Weekend as a Crossline. Happy Father's Day not just to the fathers out there but to all who know the joys (and frustrations) of having a father ;P NB At that time, I had really short hair. Look here to see what I mean. ======================= My father came over last month for a visit on his birthday. He said he wanted to see my new boarding house and office. Of course, the fact that The Boyfriend (whom he refuses to refer to as anything but ang iyong amígo ) had just moved to Cebu must have provided some amount of motivation. We’re not really the type to talk. I always thought he was too engrossed in his private world to be interested in anything I said, while he thought I was too opinionated. But when I live at home, he sometimes sits on my bed when I wake up and talks to me about The Rules. “Don’t you know it’s a New York Times bestseller?” he would say on so many mornings. He has this bad habit of f...