i had planned to write a journal entry on my last hurrah for summer, what with the flurry of travels i've had lately. been wanting to write an end-of-summer piece since last year (that was one glorious summer, too, with its extreme ups and downs), but i never got around to it. when i learned that ana , my Weekend columnist soulmate and ka-WILA, wrote about summer waning in her column last saturday, i decided to turn mine into a column, too, for this saturday. so here it is, also as a sort of update on what i've been up to lately. ========= lost and found (#20) by Jeneen R. Garcia As Summer Ends By the time you read this, the frayed ends of summer will be further unraveled, disintegrating under the June sunlight like a dream. The memory of last summer’s long, languorous walk on the shores of Siquijor , the sun moving unhurriedly across the sky, finally sinking behind the mountains, the tree house by the beach, a motorcycle ride around the i...